The Bitcoin for Boomers Show — Thursday, October 29th -2020

Bitcoin: A Global Manifest Destiny

Mykel Ferrantino
4 min readOct 30, 2020
Image Credit: Gerd Altmann

Podcast Transcript of Never Too Late To The Game’s Bitcoin For Boomers Show, October 29, 2020. New episodes every Thursday.

I personally watch, listen to and read a variety of other Cryptocurrency podcasts and blogs. This is in addition to mainstream and secondary news sources. I do my best to take into consideration all opinions, pro and con, when it comes to cryptocurrency. Understanding the criticisms is essential to making the best possible decisions and delivering the best possible show each week to listeners.

I have to admit, the cons are fewer and farther between these days because they are simply becoming more difficult to argue as Bitcoin has been around now for well over a decade and it has weathered any number of financial criticisms and regulatory challenges.

Many of my fellow podcasters and bloggers, some wildly popular, include strong political opinions and theories in their shows. For example, this past week a popular Vlogger predicted that Bitcoin will soar if Biden is elected because he is part of “the deep-state” and he will tank the economy, thereby making Bitcoin an attractive alternative tantamount to gold because fiat currency will tank. Conversely others said that if Trump is re-elected…



Mykel Ferrantino

San Francisco Real Estate Broker, Developer, Consultant, Writer & Podcaster of Never Too Late To The Game.