The Monday Morning Real Estate Update — Monday, November 16, 2020

Covered in this week’s podcast: Innovate Interior Design Driven by Covid-19; Is Manhattan Turning Around? San Francisco by the Numbers.

Mykel Ferrantino
5 min readNov 16, 2020
Image Credit: Arek Socha

Podcast Transcript of Never Too Late To The Game’s Monday Morning Real Estate Update, November 16, 2020.


Covid19 has changed the world — it has had a profound impact on the way we work and live and no other event in modern times has had a bigger impact on real estate trends than Covid-19.

People are fleeing cities, upsizing to the suburbs, dumping over priced apartments and re-prioritizing based on remote work that is likely here to stay for the foreseeable future.

Covid is responsible for driving interior design changes and perhaps it will finally be the death of the open concept, which is proving a serious challenge for parents working at home with kids. It turns out that a door is essential for privacy.

I came across an article in the NYT: Covid Pushes Real Estate Into the Future. There’s no going back to the old ways. Which technologies could propel the industry forward.



Mykel Ferrantino

San Francisco Real Estate Broker, Developer, Consultant, Writer & Podcaster of Never Too Late To The Game.